Autor Tópico: Sincronizar Motorola A1200 com Evolution  (Lida 13371 vezes)

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Sincronizar Motorola A1200 com Evolution
« Online: 17 de Outubro de 2007, 09:52 »
Preciso de ajuda para sincronizar o celular motorola A1200 (contatos e calendário) com o Evolution. Estou tentando pelo projeto onde o autor desenvolveu um plugin compatível. Imaginei que instalando o multisync do ubuntu mais o debian que ele indica, seria suficiente. O multisync funciona, habilita o Evolution, porém o J2MESync não aparece como segundo plugin para sincronizar.

Pela dúvida, estou tentando agora instalar o j2mesync_multisync.tar.bz2, mas dá uma série de erros de dependências (checking for PACKAGE... configure: error: Package requirements (libgnomeui-2.0 glib-2.0) were not met:No package 'libgnomeui-2.0' found No package 'glib-2.0' found)
que não sei como resolver. Alguém pode me ajudar? Fazer um debian deste arquivo, ou me ajudar a resolver as dependências, ou alguém da comunidade que possua este equipamento e tenha conseguido sincronizar.

Por favor, me ajudem. Adquiri este equipamento da Motorola por vir nele o sistema operacional Linux, imaginando que seria tarefa fácil sincronizar com o meu desktop Linux.  Grato, André.
« Última modificação: 01 de Novembro de 2007, 16:28 por als »

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Re: Sincronizar Motorola A1200 com Evolution
« Resposta #1 Online: 01 de Novembro de 2007, 16:27 »
Como ninguém me respondeu, continuei procurando e eu mesmo achei a resposta.

Vou reproduzir aqui os links.

1- Aqui vc pega os programas necessários para sincronizar o Motorola A1200 com o Evolution.

2- Aqui vc pega o passo a passo para instalar os programas e as dependências. Esta foi a dica fundamental, pois quem não tem prática em compilar programas no linux (como eu) sofre até achar esta dica valiosa.

3- Outra dica importante. Após obter sucesso na instalação, vc imagina que agora vai funcionar, e aí... o software do celular diz que vc não tem permissão de acessar seus dados. É só seguir a dica e destravar as permissões de acesso do programa.

Obs: Creio que por ser uma versão não muito madura (tanto do multisync quanto do j2mesync), eles não tratam bem os conflitos de sincronização. A todo momento os programas solicitam o que sobrescrever, pedem autorização de escrita e etc. Contudo, em alguns momentos ele funciona melhor que o programa da Motorola para Windows, trazendo a foto do contato, data de aniversário, quase tudo para o Evolution. Uma dica para reduzir os conflitos é reiniciar a sessão do Ubuntu. Creio que limpa o cache do Evolution e ele sincroniza melhor.

Se tiver problema nos sites, reproduzo aqui os textos com as dicas.

Here are the steps to make j2mesync work and sync with evolution (
Some of the steps may not be necessary but thats how i did it
I did this on a fresh install of Ubuntu Fiesty 7.04 but it may work for other linuxes as well
After fresh install i did a system udate through the update manager
Restart system
install multisync from Add/Remove
install libopensync0,libopensync0-dev,multisync-tools,opensync-plugin-evolution,opensync-plugin-irmc,opensyncutils from synaptic package manager
through Synaptic install
download j2mesync source for opensync from ohli's site
extract and from the terminal go to the extracted directory
type ./
then make
then sudo make install

type msynctool --listplugins
if you see availible plugins as
then its all ok till now

type msynctool --addgroup Ming
msynctool --addmember Ming j2mesync-plugin
msynctool --addmember Ming evo2-sync
msynctool --configure Ming 1

on the screen insert the btmac 00:11:22:33:44:55 and bt channel as 7
your bt mac can be seen in the bluetooth menu -->properties of your phone
press cntrl^X
press Y to save

start evolution mail and setup your default account
exit evolution mail

start j2mesync on phone
type msynctool --sync Ming

if you get an error here download and install multisync-gui from opensync website
start multisync-gui
delete the created groups
create new group Ming (or whatever name you like)
click edit>addmember>evolution and j2mesync
click on j2mesync and add btmac and btchannel
start j2mesync on phone
open terminal and type msynctool --sync Ming
you should be able to sync now
the screen now will fill up with messages
when you get the message
Which entry do you want to use? [1-9] To select a side, [D]uplicate, Keep [N]ewer:
type 1
afterthe process is over open evolution and check in contacts if sync was sucessful
if not then try again
post your results
thanks to bagus in helping in the compilation problems i had faced before
thanks to ohli for this great application

Many apps (=midlet) need to be able to read or write files to the phone's directories, however, the MID2.0 security model was designed so that only signed midlets are able to have unlimited access to potentially dangerous operations such as filesystem access, connection with internet, sending SMS etc. If a midlet is not signed, then access is disabled (which means that when you run the app you are not even shown a File Open" menu option). In order to get a signed midlet, the developer has had to have purchased a security certificate from Motorola, which many developers do not want to do (especially for free apps) - so if you install these midlets on the A1200 they will not appear to work properly.

However there is a way to overcome this. Every app has a registry.txt file associated with it that can be edited to give the app the needed permission. If you install an app and it is not able to open/read/write files correctly then try the following. Some apps that you need to do this for to get them working correctly are Quicknotes, Minipauker, Trekbuddy, cTunes and Anyview.

Edit May 2007: Forum user Dedraks has just written an pkg app "Java Hacker" that will do all of the following for you automatically - so you can just install and run his app everytime you install a new program that needs its registry settings changed. Find it in the Developed Softwares section.

But here are the manual instructions:

   1. Copy the jar file to your phone
   2. Tap on the file to install it and install it on the SD card (important!)
   3. Plug the phone into the PC
   4. Using windows explorer (USB Storage mode) navigate to \.system\java\DownloadApps\MIDletXXXX on your SD card where MIDletXXXX is the last directory in DownloadApps in alphabetic ascending order.
   5. Make a copy of the file registry.tx (in case you need to recover original file)
   6. Edit the file registry.txt with a editor compatible with unix (eg CrimsonEditor). Do not use MS Word or Notepad! (Be sure the file has a line saying: Jar-URL: appname.jar - if not, you are in the wrong directory)
   7. Change the values to these ones
      - DRM-Mode: Allowed
      - Is-Trusted: 1
      - Domain: Manufacturer
      so that it looks like the code below.
   8. Save the file and disconnect from PC
   9. Go to the apps icon and hold the stylus until popup menu appears. Select Manage --> Change permission
  10. Click OK (no need to change anything - that just forces new permissions to take effect)
  11. The app should now be able to read and write files.
« Última modificação: 30 de Novembro de 2007, 19:27 por als »