Preciso instalar um jogo infantil (abc-blocks_0.1-1_all.deb) e ao fazê-lo o GDebi me diz que há dependencia de libgtk-perl. Fui ao Synaptic e ao invés dele, encontrei libgtk2-perl que já está instalado...O que posso fazer?
Extraí o pacote .deb aqui no Windows do trampo com o TUGZip, o programa é antigo em GTK1 logo vai ser difícil você conseguir instalar, por isto ele pede libgtk-perl e não libgtk2-perl.
já pensou em enviar o e-mail para o mantenedor do pacote?
olhei o código fonte do programa e é bem simples, creio que seja bem fácil portar para libgtk2-perl.
Package: abc-blocks
Version: 0.1-1
Section: games
Priority: optional
Architecture: all
Depends: libgtk-perl (>= 0.7009), libgnome-perl (>= 0.7009)
Maintainer: Wagner Saback Dantas <>
Ou algum amigo do fórum de plantão que manja de perl e gtk2 ;-)
este é o código fonte só do binário sem o restante dos arquivos OK?
# A small educational "game" that may be fun for small kids that
# are learning to write.
# Currently supports the Swedish, English, and Hebrew alphabets.
# Dov Grobgeld <>
# 12 Apr 2001
# This program is released under the GPL (Gnu Public Licence).
use Gtk;
use Gnome;
use strict;
# Defaults
my ($letter_width, $width, $height, %W);
my ($last_cx, $last_cy);
my ($alphabet_tile_size, $alphabet, $alphabet_width, $language);
# Pics root directory
my $pics_root_dir = '/usr/share/abc-blocks';
# Database of languages supported
my %languages = (
swedish => {
alphabet_img => $pics_root_dir . '/alfabet.png',
alphabet_small_img => $pics_root_dir . '/alfabet-liten.png',
english => {
alphabet_img => $pics_root_dir . '/english.png',
alphabet_small_img => $pics_root_dir . '/english-small.png',
hebrew => {
alphabet => "àáâãäåæçèéëêìîíðïñòôóöõ÷øùú",
alphabet_img => $pics_root_dir . "/alefbet.png",
alphabet_small_img => $pics_root_dir . "/alefbet-small.png",
# Callback functions. There are only two callback functions needed.
# One handling the index card (small alphabet) and one handling the
# individual cards.
my ($latest_card, $dragging);
sub index_card_cb {
my($item, $event) = @_;
my ($root) = $W{root};
my $tag = shift;
my $char_idx = int($event->{x}/$letter_width);
my $x = $event->{x};
my $y = $event->{y};
if ($event->{type} eq "button_press") {
if ($event->{button} == 1) {
if ($alphabet->{dir} eq "rtl") {
$char_idx = length($alphabet->{alphabet})-$char_idx-1;
$latest_card = create_card($W{canvas},
$W{big_card}, $alphabet_tile_size,
[$char_idx % $alphabet_width,
[$x, $y],
$dragging = 1;
# This is the tricky part. We are getting motion events for the
# index card (small alphabet), but we are using these motion events
# to move the $latest_card that was created above. Once the
# card is released and clicked upon again, then the move_card_cb is
# called instead.
elsif ($event->{type} eq "motion_notify") {
if ($dragging) {
my $new_x = $event->{x};
my $new_y = $event->{y};
$last_cx = $new_x;
$last_cy = $new_y;
elsif ($event->{type} eq "button_release") {
$dragging = 0;
sub move_card_cb {
my($item, $event) = @_;
if ($event->{type} eq "button_press") {
if ($event->{button} eq '1') {
$last_cx = $event->{x};
$last_cy = $event->{y};
} elsif ($event->{button} eq '3') {
elsif ($event->{type} eq "motion_notify") {
if ($dragging) {
my $new_x = $event->{x};
my $new_y = $event->{y};
$last_cx = $new_x;
$last_cy = $new_y;
elsif ($event->{type} eq "button_release") {
if ($event->{button} eq '1') {
# Create the GUI.
sub create_widgets {
$W{top} = Gtk::Widget->new("Gtk::Window",
type => -toplevel,
title => "AbcBlocks",
allow_grow => 0,
allow_shrink => 0,
"signal::destroy" => sub { exit }
my $vbox = Gtk::VBox->new(0, 1);
show $vbox;
$W{canvas} = $vbox->new_child("Gnome::Canvas",
$W{canvas}->set_scroll_region (0, 0, $width, $height);
$W{root} = $W{canvas}->root();
# Cut an image out of the big images and create a card out of it.
# To make it nicer looking we also create a rectangle of the same
# size at an offset and place it under the image. This makes it
# look like a shade.
sub create_card {
my $root = shift;
my $big_card = shift;
my $size = shift;
my $src_pos = shift;
my $dst_pos = shift;
my ($src_x, $src_y) = @$src_pos;
my ($dst_x, $dst_y);
if ($dst_pos) {
($dst_x, $dst_y) = @$dst_pos;
} else {
($dst_x, $dst_y) = ($src_x,$src_y);
my $photo = $big_card->crop_and_clone_image($src_x*$size, $src_y*$size,
$size, $size);
my ($cx, $cy) = ($dst_x, $dst_y);
my $card_group =
"x", $cx-50,
"y", $cy-50,
"signal::event" => [\&move_card_cb]
# Switch side of shade for rtl languages as it looks nicer that way.
my $dx = 3;
$dx = -3 if $alphabet->{dir} eq "rtl";
"x1", $dx,
"y1", 3,
"x2", 100+$dx,
"y2", 103,
"width_pixels" => 2,
"fill_color" => 'grey70'
($last_cx, $last_cy) = ($cx, $cy);
return $card_group;
# Create the big images
sub create_big_cards {
my ($card_name, $small_card_name) = @_;
$W{big_card} = load_image Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage($card_name);
$W{small_alphabet_photo} = load_image Gtk::Gdk::ImlibImage($small_card_name);
$W{small_alphabet_item} = Gnome::CanvasItem->new($W{root},
image => $W{small_alphabet_photo},
width=> $W{small_alphabet_photo}->rgb_width,
height=> $W{small_alphabet_photo}->rgb_height,
anchor=> "nw",
"signal::event" => [\&index_card_cb]
# Get options
while($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-/) {
/^-help/ and do { print <<__; exit; };
color-matrix - A game for 4-6 year olds
color-matrix cardfile
-card_size cs Change card size. Default is 100.
/^-card_size/ and do { $alphabet_tile_size = shift; next; };
/^-language/ and do { $language = shift; next; };
die "Unknown option $_!\n";
$alphabet_width = 6;
$alphabet_tile_size = 100;
$language = "english" unless $language;
$alphabet = $languages{lc($language)}
|| die "Unsupported language $language!\n";
# Defaults
$letter_width = 30;
$width = length($alphabet->{alphabet})*$letter_width;
$height = 700;
$alphabet_tile_size = 100 unless $alphabet_tile_size;
init Gnome($0,$0);
create_big_cards($alphabet->{alphabet_img}, $alphabet->{alphabet_small_img});
main Gtk;