Como instalar o Chromium B.S.U. baixado pelo código fonte? Eu baixei do site oficial o jogo, descompactei e ela contém os seguintes arquivos: o arquivo "README.install" tem as seguintes instruções:
Chromium B.S.U. Installation
Be sure to install the -dev or -devel packages of the prerequisites.
Graphics: OpenGL and GLU (mesa for e.g.)
Window & input: SDL 1.1.6 or greater
GLUT is an alternative
Sound: OpenAL and ALUT
SDL Mixer is an alternative
Image loading: glpng
SDL_image is an alternative but has rendering issues
Text rendering: GLC (QuesoGLC for e.g.)
FTGL 2.1.3 or greater is an alternative
Font: Gothic Uralic bold recommended
any TrueType font is an alternative
Building with SDL_image allows the game to set a window icon when using SDL.
If you would like a translated interface you should build with gettext & GLC.
The GLC text rendering backend supports using a different default font:
./configure --with-font-name="Gothic Uralic"
The FTGL text rendering backend is less flexible in its font searching.
To make it more flexible you should either build with fontconfig support or
specify a path to the desired font, this is useful for distributions where
the package system can then depend on the desired font:
./configure --with-font-path=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/uralic/gothub__.ttf
./configure <options> && make && sudo make install
You may also want to check the FAQ:
If you encounter any problems, please post a support request:
Development version
Install these when building from the VCS:
Pre-build step
Run this command to recreate the build system:
autoreconf --symlink --install --force
Then you can build and install in the current directory:
./configure --prefix $PWD/install
make install
export PATH=$PWD/install:$PATH
Parece que tem que compilar? É isso?
Porque eu nem sei o que é isso de compilar ainda rsrs....já vi algo do tipo, que tem os comandos
make install (esses comandos não funcionaram pra instalar
) e talz, mas praticamente não sei nada.