Kazehakase (Japanese: 風博士) is a web browser for Unix-like operating systems that uses the GTK+ libraries. Kazehakase embeds the Gecko layout engine as well as GTK+ WebKit. However, the author also plans to add the ability to switch between additional different rendering engines (e.g. GtkHTML, Dillo, w3m).[citation needed] The browser is named after the short story Kazehakase by Japanese author Sakaguchi Ango. Kazehakase is free software available under the GNU General Public License.
[edit] Features
Notable features include:
Support for RSS as well as its Japanese variants LIRS and HINA-DI[1]
Drag-and-drop of browser tabs
Mouse gestures
Import of bookmarks from Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Application Suite, Netscape Browser, Galeon, Konqueror, and w3m; shared bookmarks (with XBEL)
"Smart Bookmarks" programmable with regular expressions
Full text search in browser history
Tradução livre:Kazehakase (Japonês: 風博士) é um navegador web para sistemas operacionais do tipo Unix/Linux que usa as bibliotecas GTK+. Kazehakase vem com os motores Gecko e GTK+ Webkit. Entretanto, o autor planeja adicionar a habilidade para trocar entre diferentes motores (e.g. GtkHTML, Dillo, w3m).[citation needed] Kazehakase é baseado na história Kazehakase do autor japonês Sakaguchi Ango. Kazehakase vem sob licença GPL.
Vem com:
Suporte para RSS e seus variantes japoneses LIRS e HINA-DI[1]
Drag-and-drop de abas
Movimentos especiais de mouse
É possível importal os favoritos do Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Application Suite, Netscape, Galeon, Konqueror e w3m; compartilhar bookmarks (com XBEL)
"Smart Bookmarks" progamável com expressões regulares
Procura de texto por todo histórico de navegação
Se cometi algum erro, por favor, me corrijam!