Autor Tópico: Jogos EA Games ao nosso alcance!  (Lida 1147 vezes)

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Jogos EA Games ao nosso alcance!
« Online: 17 de Agosto de 2010, 16:44 »
Salve galera...

Dando uma olhada na parte de games aqui pelo fórum, encontrei um post muito interessante...
É uma petição para a EA Games pedindo portabilidade para linux.

Segue na íntegra:

To:  EA Games
We, the Linux gaming community are feeling alienated by companies that, in face of huge demand for our choice of operating system, still refuse to provide proper client-side ports for major games.
Although this petition is focused primarily towards EA Games, (who became a powerful force in gaming due to their commitment to providing native ports to a variety of operating environments) the writer of this petition also believes that such companies as Blizzard (who delibrately SHUT DOWN an open source native port project for some of their games, which did not infringe on their intellectual property, called freecraft) deserves special mention.
This petition aims to make the following points:
1. Emulation is not a native port, and native ports are what is required by the linux-driven consumer.
2. Our numbers and buying power are great enough to warrant such projects as a transition from directx to opengl, for instance.
3. We believe we are the future, and this is an offer to make peace with this community, before we are further alienated, and you really need us to stay in business.
4. Native server ports without client side ports are offensive, and unacceptable.
5. We are no longer willing to run a Windows machine, or buy a gaming console just to be able to play games. (Thanks to the insight of such companies as Atari, among others, we don't have to)
Thankyou for reviewing this petition.


The Undersigned

Após isso é só assinar.... eu jah assinei...
--> 3387.   Carlos Ferreira   Sou brasileiro, usuário linux e fã EA...

Quem gostar de jogos e quiser ver consolidada essa parceria Linux Community & EA Games... assine e principalmente... Divulge!!!

segue o link:

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Re: Jogos EA Games ao nosso alcance!
« Resposta #1 Online: 17 de Agosto de 2010, 16:58 »
topico duplicado