Autor Tópico: Instalando o Linux Live Scripts pelo Ubuntu  (Lida 3797 vezes)

Offline glilco

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Instalando o Linux Live Scripts pelo Ubuntu
« Online: 11 de Julho de 2011, 15:18 »
Pessoal, estou tentando instalar o Linux Live Scripts, utilizando o Ubuntu 11.04 para isso.
Achei as instruções do site bastante vagas. Estou utilizando o kernel já compilado, que está para download no site.

O que eu fiz foi o seguinte:
Descompactei o conteúdo do kernel no diretório /home/user/linux-live/ e o conteúdo arquivo linux-live-6.3.0.tar.gz em /home/user/linux-live/tmp/

O conteúdo do arquivo .config é o seguinte:

Código: [Selecionar]
# This is a config file for build script.
# You shouldn't need to change anything

# Live CD Name. Defaults to 'mylinux'; you should change it to your own
# name if you wish your own branding. Eg. Slax changes it to 'slax'
# Must not contain any spaces. You'll be asked for this during livecd creation.

# the size of RAMdisk (in KBytes)
# if you change this, then you will need to change the same
# in the following files as well: ./cd-root/boot/isolinux.cfg, ./cd-root/boot/syslinux.cfg, ./cd-root/boot/DOS/config

# kernel version. Change it to "2.6.10" for example, if you are building
# LiveCD with a different kernel than the one you are actually running

# list of directories which will be modularized
# no subdirectories are allowed, no slashes. You can't use /var/tmp here for example
MKMOD="bin etc home lib lib64 opt root usr sbin srv var"

# list of files and directories you'd like to exclude from your LiveCD
EXCLUDE="/etc/fstab /etc/mtab"

# compressed directories (cd tree and *.lzm) will be stored here
# (the whole folder will be erased now!)

# change this variable if you installed your distro to some directory.
# for example ROOT=/tmp/newdir. You may leave it empty, then it defaults to /

# If the writable branch (used for changes) doesn't support symlinks or if it
# doesn't handle chmod attributes well, overmount it using the posix overlay
# filesystem (posixovl).
# This is generally a good idea if you wish to use 'changes=/directory' while
# the /directory resides on VFAT or NTFS. It's just cool! No more need of
# pre-created loop filesystems with fixed size. Posixovl is sponsored by Slax.

# Use NTFS-3g to provide NTFS-write support in initrd, instead of standard
# read-only NTFS driver from kernel, so it can mount NTFS partitions and
# save changes to it (eg. using changes= boot param).
# Precompiled NTFS-3G binaries are included in Linux Live scripts.
# If a ntfs partition is mounted this way in initrd, make sure to fix your
# distribution to NOT KILL the ntfsmount process during shutdown procedures.
# Else it will hang the system during shutdown.
# USENTFS3G=yes|no

# Add locales for given language, separated by space. For supported languages
# see ./initrd/rootfs/usr/share/locale/locale.alias in your distribution.
# This is needed eg. for international NTFS-3g support. If you add more than
# one locale, make sure to specify which one to use, see boot parameter locale=
# If only one locale is specified, you don't have to specify boot parameter.
# Empty string means no locales, support English only.

# Directory with kernel .ko modules, can be different in some distros

# Debug log file for linux-live scripts (during livecd creation)

executei o script /home/user/linux-live/tmp/build e copiei para um pen drive a pasta indicada como resultado, que encontra-se em /tmp. Após isso, no Windows XP, executei o bootinst.bat (tentei executar o no Ubuntu, mas sempre sem sucesso, pois não dá para mudar a permissão do arquivo para executável por se tratar de partição FAT e quando cria partição ext3 o script pede que a partição seja FAT).

Quando tento o boot pelo dispositivo, ocorre o seguinte:

starting Linux Live scripts <>
* starting loop device support
* starting cdrom filesystem support
* starting squashfs support
* starting aufs support with brs=1
* starting linux filesystem support
* starting windows filesystem support
cat: can't open '/usr/share/locale/locale.alias' : No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/usr/share/locale/locale.alias' : No such file or directory
* creating /dev entries for block devices
* starting PCMCIA CardBus Support
* looking for 'InstalaUCA' data directory (searching for livecd.sgn file)
cat: can't open '/usr/share/locale/locale.alias' : No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/usr/share/locale/locale.alias' : No such file or directory
* using InstalaUCA data from /mnt/sdb1/InstalaUCA
* setting up directory for changes
* /mnt/sdb1/changes/
* testing the filesystem for posix compability
* not compatible - starting posixovl
linuxrc: line 148: posixovl: not found
* setup union directory (using aufs)
mount: mounting aufs on union failed: No such device
GFS2: gfs2 mount does not exist
Fatal error occured - can't setup union (aufs)
* Something went wrong and can't continue. This should never happen
* Please reboot your computer with Ctrl+Alt+Delete ...

Alguém sabe como instalar corretamente o Linux Live Scripts?

Offline glilco

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Re: Instalando o Linux Live Scripts pelo Ubuntu
« Resposta #1 Online: 11 de Julho de 2011, 15:43 »
Só para ressaltar, a minha intenção é instalar uma versão mínima do Linux para rodar um script que copie a imagem, utilizando o dd, para o disco da máquina em que o boot é realizado. Se alguém souber como fazer isso, sem utilizar o LLS, seria uma boa solução também.

Offline irtigor

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Re: Instalando o Linux Live Scripts pelo Ubuntu
« Resposta #2 Online: 11 de Julho de 2011, 17:42 »
Verifica se o aufs funciona manualmente, ou cria um livecd "na mão" [1][2], ou usa o remastersys... existe várias alternativas.

Se é pra ter instalado em um hd, de forma convencional, nem precisa fazer esse rodeio todo. Use o ubuntu minimal cd.
« Última modificação: 11 de Julho de 2011, 17:44 por irtigor »

Offline glilco

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Re: Instalando o Linux Live Scripts pelo Ubuntu
« Resposta #3 Online: 12 de Julho de 2011, 05:34 »
Obrigado, Irtigor. Problema resolvido.