Sou iniciante em Linux, e uso o Ubuntu 11.10. Vou fazer um trabalho, e tenho que instalar um programa de modelagem para banco de dados chamado DB Main. No site do programa, baixei o pacote para Linux e chama-se dbm-915-linux-setup.tar.gz . Eu não sei instalá-lo e gostaria de uma ajuda. Eu entrei dentro dele e nele tem um arquivo chamado readme.html, com umas instruções de instalação, mas eu não consegui fazer. Abaixo o arquivo:
Two kings of installation are possible:
Installation for single user
Extract the dbm-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz or dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz (with the DEASY plug-in) archive in the directory of your choice:
cd ~/db-main
tar -xf dbm-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz (or tar -xf dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz)
Edit the .bashrc file (.profile in some environment) in the home directory and add the following lines (adapt the ~/db-main/bin directory to the one chosen previously):
export DB_MAIN_BIN=~/db-main/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DB_MAIN_BIN:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../java/jre/lib/i386/client:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#CLASSPATH modification only for dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz
export CLASSPATH=.:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/jidbmjava.jar:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/sqlite-jdbc-$CLASSPATH
Installation for all users
Extract the dbm-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz archive in /usr/local/db-main (or any other directory of your choice):
cd /usr/local/db-main
sudo tar -xf dbm-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz (or sudo tar -xf dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz)
Change the permissions so that any user can execute db_main:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/db-main/bin/db_main
Edit the global bash profile for all users (something like /etc/bash.bashrc) and add the following lines (adapt the /usr/local/db-main/bin directory to the one chosen previously):
export DB_MAIN_BIN=/usr/local/db-main/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DB_MAIN_BIN:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../java/jre/lib/i386/client:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#CLASSPATH modification only for dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz
export CLASSPATH=.:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/jidbmjava.jar:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/sqlite-jdbc-$CLASSPATH
To run DB-MAIN, there are also two approaches:
Execute the file db_main as a normal user from the command prompt.
Create a shortcut in your desktop that calls a shell file that contains something like this:
export DB_MAIN_BIN=/the-path-to-the-db-main-bin-directory
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DB_MAIN_BIN:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../java/jre/lib/i386/client:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
#CLASSPATH modification only for dbm-deasy-9xx-linux-setup.tar.gz
export CLASSPATH=.:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/jidbmjava.jar:$DB_MAIN_BIN/../plugins/deasy/lib/sqlite-jdbc-$CLASSPATH
cd /the-path-to-the-db-main-bin-directory/
Adapt the-path-to-the-db-main-bin-directory to your environment, save the shell file in the DB-MAIN bin directory (called db_main.sh for example) and give the execute permissions for all users.
Finally, put the following command in the shortcut:
/bin/sh /the-path-to-the-db-main-bin-directory/db_main.sh
A file db_main.ini is created in the .db_main directory of the user's home directory when DB-MAIN is run for the first time.